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Terms of use

By using this website or by purchasing and using SolutionSim (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Resource’ or ‘the software’) and the associated learning materials, you (‘the licence holder’) hereby accepts the following terms and conditions of use:

Access & upgrades

Solution Simulations Ltd. (‘the publisher’) provides the licence holder with access to the Resource. Any upgrades, enhancements or additional features purchased at a later date are also subject to these terms and conditions of use. The purchase of this licence does not give the licence holder any automatic entitlement to any future upgrades.

Licence use & limitations

The Resource is strictly for non-commercial use by your institution, by your enrolled students only (i.e. students resident local to the main campus) and at your site or campus only.

The licence does not allow you to use, or run or host events or activities, for students from other educational or corporate institutions, or any other non-student group or individual, either on or off your own site, in person or online, except, in the case of universities, for outreach work with local schools visiting campus and remote learning sessions run for enrolled students. There is no limit to the number of enrolled students who can use the resource during the licence term.

The licence forbids you accessing yourself or permitting access to the Resource from an IP address registered to any other institution or individual other than the licence holder or to enrolled students. For any breach of the site licence limitation clause your institution will be liable for the total value of the annual licences that should have been purchased to allow use by the unlicensed institution(s).

You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, sub-licence, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information, software, products or services contained in, or obtained from, the Resource. Reproduction, storage, adaptation or translation, in any form or by any means, of this Resource is prohibited without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Partner universities & international projects (Optional licence extension for HE clients)

An additional licence fee will be payable in advance if the Resource is used at any of the university’s UK or international partner institutions, including use by students registered on the licence holder’s courses. This fee will be for a minimum 3-month licence (pro rata) at the price current on the date the licence extension is purchased. The Resource can only be used during the period of the licence. The licence can be paid for either by the licence holder or the partner institution but the latter will have its own licence and account, which should be used for all lessons and activities using the software. Without such an agreement the Resource cannot be used by the partner institution.

The above terms will also apply to any other universities using the software as part of an international partnership project with the licensee during the licence term. A separate licence will be purchased either by the partner institution or by the licence holder for a minimum 3-month period at the price current on the date the licence extension is purchased.

For any breach of these extension clauses your institution will be liable for the total value of the annual licences that should have been purchased to allow use by the unlicensed institution(s).


The publisher may, at its expense, with 30 days’ written notice, audit your use of the resource.


The use of this Resource is at your own discretion and risk. The publisher shall have no responsibility or liability for any damage to your computer system or loss of data that results from the download of any content, materials, information or software or from improper use of the software, nor do we guarantee that the Resource and server delivering it are free from viruses.

While the publisher has no reason to believe that there are any inaccuracies or defects in the content of the Resource, the publisher makes no representation and gives no warranty express or implied with regard to the information contained in or any part of the Resource including (without limitation) the fitness of such information or part for any purposes whatsoever and the publisher accepts no liability for loss suffered or incurred by the licence holder or authorised users as a result of their reliance on the Resource.

In no circumstances will the publisher be liable to the licence holder for any loss resulting from a cause over which the publisher does not have direct control, including but not limited to failure of electronic or mechanical equipment or communication lines, telephone or other connection problems, unauthorised access, theft, or operator errors.

Publisher’s obligations

The publisher agrees to: make the Resource available to the licence holder and authorised users from the start of the licence period; use all reasonable efforts to make the Resource available to the licence holder and authorised users 24 hours a day (except when routine maintenance is carried out), and to restore access to the Resource as soon as possible after any interruption or suspension of the service; provide customer support services to authorised users by e-mail or over the phone; use all reasonable efforts to ensure that the relevant server or servers have adequate capacity and bandwidth to support the usage of the licence holder.

Intellectual property & copyright

The publisher owns the trademark to the SolutionSim name and branding. The names, images and logos identifying this site are the proprietary marks of Solution Simulations Ltd. The resource and all its contents and associated materials are copyright protected by Solution Simulations, 2005 - 2023. All rights reserved. You may not remove or alter any copyright or ownership information, and must clearly acknowledge copyright ownership in any use you make of the material.

Publicity & promotional use

The publisher must have granted prior permission for, and be credited for, any promotional or information use of the software, or of images or screen shots, or of photographs of lecturers of students using the Resource. The publisher and the simulation being used must be credited by name in any reference to the use of the software on the client’s websites, or on any of the client’s affiliated websites (including student society websites), on Twitter or any other social media platforms, on YouTube, Vimeo or any other video sharing platforms. The publisher’s credit must cite the name of the publisher along with the simulation or provide the name of the simulation hyper-linked to the publisher’s website (

Jurisdiction & breach

The terms of this licence are governed by the laws of England & Wales. You shall be liable for costs and damages resulting from any legal action arising from any breach of the licence. If any of the licence terms are breached, Solution Simulations has the right to cancel your licence and prevent access to the Resource without prior notice.

Technical updates/maintenance & contact

The publisher reserves the right to make any necessary changes to the software, and to carry out maintenance to the server which may affect access to the resource. The publisher will aim to do this work outside the hours of 9.00 and 15.30 (GMT) and, except in the case of emergency works, shall give licence holders a minimum of 5 Working Days’ notice.

If you have any questions regarding these licence agreement terms, please contact Solution Simulations at